November 5, 2015
Home Again. . .

Touching Base—

Very brief newsletter this month, having just returned from our six-week tour of King Lear: Denver CO, Norfolk VA, Towson MD, Philadelphia PA, Brooklyn NY, Bethlehem PA, Lancaster PA, Bloomsburg PA, Portsmouth NH, Milwaukee WI, and West Liberty IA — twenty shows, all well attended, all with fulsome response. The show has grown enormously, in part simply from security in doing it, in part from experimenting with some half-baked sequences. We made good money and many new friends.

Oddest sensation: performing in the Studio Theatre of University of Wisconson/Milwaukee where, exactly 46 years ago to the week, we premiered X Communication, the first show of our first ensemble Theatre X, which opened the door out of academia and into the rest of our life. Both shows form bookends to the staggering amount of work in between, and responses for both were memorable.


Amazing that while our writing mostly went into suspended animation on the tour, we actually managed to keep up with our blog, now in its 96th consecutive week. Check it out. Read my segment, read Elizabeth’s, read the Fool’s, or read all three.

Up Next—

—Booking a Lear tour to the Pacific Northwest, another to the Midwest.

—Trying to find an affordable circumstance for performances on our home turf.

—Preparing a reading/performance of our new edition of Rash Acts for house concerts and small venues.

—Continuing work on our new novel Akedah: the Binding and starting to promote our first.

—Editing a King Lear video for DVD.

—Getting back to the gym, the garden, the ocean, and friendships.
